What do I do if I can't access my account?

To reset your Ro.co Password: 

  1. Click on the icon in the uppermost right corner to log into your Ro account.
  2. Select Forgot Password? at the bottom of the login page.

  3. You will receive an email from ro@email.ro.co titled "Reset your password." If you do not see this email, please check your Spam and Junk folders.
  4. Click on the green Reset Password link within the email.
    ResetPassword Email.png
  5. A new webpage will open that will allow you to select a new password. Please enter a new password of your choice. Passwords need to meet the following criteria:
      • Must have at least 8 characters 
      • Must contain an uppercase letter, number, or symbol
  6. Re-type in your new password to verify.
  7. Once the password has been entered correctly twice, the Save button at the bottom of the window should show as solid green. Once saved, you'll be redirected back to the login page. 



I requested a password reset email, but haven't received an email

  1. Wait at least ten minutes to ensure the password reset email has not been sent. If it has been longer than ten minutes, you can request a new link using the above steps.  
  2. Search your Junk or Spam folders for messages from ro@email.ro.co.
  3. Search your mail account for emails titled "Reset your Password" from Ro.
  4. Add ro@email.ro.co to your email account contacts.
    (If you're unsure of how to do this, please contact your Email Service Provider for assistance)
  5. Once added, attempt to send a new password reset link using the steps above.

If you're still unable to reset your password, please contact us!

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