All prescriptions remain valid for only a limited time. At Ro, your prescription expires once you've requested all of the refills written for the prescription, or after one year from the date the prescription was created, whichever comes first. Not to worry though, Ro makes it convenient to request a treatment renewal!

Your renewal visit is an abbreviated version of your first online visit and should take about ten minutes to complete. Your renewal is a chance to update your provider on changes to your medical history and your treatment progress, and your provider will then be able to determine if you are eligible for a prescription refill. This is also a great opportunity for you to touch base with your provider and ask any questions about your condition or treatment. 

Please note: Completing a renewal visit while an order is processing may result in that order being accidentally canceled by our system. We recommend completing your renewal visit after your order has shipped.  

From your Ro account:

  1. Log in to your Ro account.
  2. If your treatment is eligible for renewal, you will see an alert immediately on the homepage.
  3. Click the Renew button to begin your renewal visit. Ro_HomepageRenewal.png
  4. Alternatively, click on the Care tab, which will include all active and expired treatments. Ro_Homepage w: Care.png
  5. If available, please click on Resume Renewal to access your renewal visit. RenewalinCare.png

From the Ro App:

  1. Log in to the Ro mobile app
  2. If your treatment is eligible for renewal, you will see a notification to renew your prescription
  3. Click the Renew button to begin your renewal visit


If you run into any issues with your renewal visit or have any other questions or concerns, please contact us!

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