FAQ: Does my card look right? How do I find day 3? How can I increase blood flow?


- Does my card look right?

- How do I find day 3?

- When do I test?

- How can I increase blood flow?

- Where can I find instructions for components of the kit?


Does my collection card look right?

Your collection card should look like this when you’re done:



You will need to drop blood onto the left box until it collects past the first line on the right side. This typically requires about 4 drops of blood. You’ll see the card turn blue-gray. That’s the serum that the lab will test. As long as there is a large hole-punch size of serum on your card, you should proceed with sending it back to our lab.

See below for pictures of real collection cards that were acceptable for our lab.

If in doubt, you can email a picture to fertility@ro.co. 



How do I find my Day 3 for the Modern Fertility Hormone Test?

At Modern Fertility, we know there’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” approach when it comes to reproductive health. Periods are unique, and that’s ok! If your Modern Fertility kit requires testing on Day 3 of your period, here are some helpful tips for getting started. 

Why do I need to collect my blood sample at a certain time in my cycle?

Great question! Many of the hormones we test for fluctuate throughout the menstrual cycle. Doctors consider Day 3 of your period the baseline level for these hormones. When you test on this day, we can interpret your results and what they mean in the correct context. You can read more about the science behind Day 3 testing on our blog.

How do I pinpoint Day 3?

Count Day 1 of your period as the first day of full flow. For instance, if you have spotting on Monday and Tuesday, and then your full flow begins on Wednesday before 5 pm, Wednesday would be "Day 1" and you would test on Friday - "Day 3." 

What counts as full flow?

It’s not uncommon to experience spotting before your period really gets going — you know you’re at “full flow” if your period is heavy enough to need a tampon/ pad/ menstrual cup etc.  

What if my period only lasts 1 or 2 days?

If you only have one or two days of full flow, go ahead and test on "Day 2," or the day after your full flow began. So, if you have 1-2 days of spotting and then 1 day of full flow, test the day after that. You can still count "Day 1" as the first day of full flow.

What if my period is irregular, or doesn’t come very often?

Modern Fertility Hormone Tests are good for two years, so you’re welcome to hold onto your kit until your period arrives! 

What if I’m not on birth control, but I don’t get a period at all?

There are lots of reasons someone might not get a regular period! Send us a note at fertility@ro.co  and our team will get right back to you with next steps.


When do I test?

  • If you are on hormonal birth control:
    • Test any day and only fill 1 dry blood spot card.
    • You do not need to fast.
  • If you are NOT on hormonal birth control (and haven't been for at least 3 months):
    • Test on day 3 of your period and fill 2 dry blood spot cards.
    • You'll need to fast for 8 hours before you test. It's easiest to test right when you wake up.
    • If you don't get a period, you can hang on to your test until you receive your period (the tests are good for 2 years). Or, you can reach out to fertility@ro.co and we can update your test to the version that measures two very important hormones - AMH & TSH.

If your birth control status has changed, please contact fertility@ro.co for instructions.


I’m not getting enough blood and/or have bad circulation. How can I increase my blood flow?

Everyone bleeds at different rates, and we’re here to help. Here’s a list of the best tips and tricks to increase blood flow.
  • Get a sweat going: Do jumping jacks, go for a jog around your house or neighborhood, or put on your favorite song and have a solo dance party until you start feeling warm (or even a little sweaty).
  • Warm your hands: Wash your hands under hot water for a full minute, or take a warm shower. Rub your hands together quickly.
  • Massage your wrist: After you prick your finger, massage your wrist and palm gently to try to encourage more blood flow. Just be mindful not to press too hard!
If you have two cards to fill, it’s more important to focus on filling one card well before you move on to the second. If you still did not get enough blood to reach the first line on the card, let us know! Send us a photo of your collection card to fertility@ro.co. If needed, we can send you one complimentary retest kit (on us!)


Where can I find instructions for components of the kit?

  • Unistik Lancet instructions can be found here.
  • Blood Collection Card instructions can be found here.




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